Buffett Indicator and S&P 500 as Crisis Indicators
In order to better understand Shiller’s price / earnings (P/E) ratio, it is necessary to examine the business hours chart that should be worked in the USA in
In order to better understand Shiller’s price / earnings (P/E) ratio, it is necessary to examine the business hours chart that should be worked in the USA in
One of the most important indicators that show the bubble in the stock market is the “Shiller P / E Ratio”, ie the price / earnings (also known as
At this time while we are entering a new economic system change, the issue of what might happen in the new architecture of the economy has been frequently
In the new economic system where money has entered the digitalization process, the concept of “Cashless Society” has become a frequently discussed concept. The cashless society, in short,
LIBOR interest rates have been on the rise since 2015. As can be seen in Figure, this interest rate rises significantly before every crisis. It rose to 2.4
In Figure 1, we can see the 10-year bond interest rates and real GDP growth rates of the USA. If we look at the crisis years mentioned earlier,
The PMI index is published every month in two forms as manufacturing and service pmi index. The service PMI index gives a better idea about the economy than
American treasury bonds are also a reliable store of value, just like physical gold. Therefore, when the demand for American bonds increases, the demand for gold decreases. This